Outbound SDR teams should not report to marketing. Here's why...

Outbound SDR teams should not report to marketing. Here's why...


I love my marketers out there. I've sat in the seat before. And consider myself a marketer.

But I've NEVER seen a marketing-created sequence with a reply rate higher than .5%.

This isn't about egos and whether marketing or sales is more important.

It's about staying in your lane.

Marketing crushes the 1:many game of building awareness & demand.

Sales crushes the 1:1 conversation. And turning demand into pipeline and revenue.

⛔️ 1) Marketing should not own outbound messaging

Sales should not need approval from marketing for their sequences. Sales should have full autonomy (with support from marketing) on outbound messaging for sequences.

Sales is having the 1:1 conversations. And outbound is 1:1 communication.

⛔️ 2) Marketing isn't as skilled at managing a quota

At the IC level, marketers do not typically have quotas. And their leaders don't typically have experience managing sales reps with quotas.

SDRs need to be managed just like full-cycle sales reps.

⛔️ 3) Marketing typically misses the objective with outbound

Outbound is not an "awareness" building activity.

Outbound is a "set meetings" activity. Full stop.

The only reason to do outbound is to make contact, set meetings, and build pipeline.

Sales is more aligned to this incentive.


Again, I love marketing. And outbound should be a collaborative activity between sales and marketing.

64% of SDR orgs report to Sales right now (Bridge Group). And that number should continue growing.

Sales needs to own outbound.