How Brooksource's 180+ AEs self-source pipeline (with zero SDR support) and convert cold calls at 35%

How Brooksource's 180+ AEs self-source pipeline (with zero SDR support) and convert cold calls at 35%


Brooksource doesn't sell SaaS. They sell professional services.

For my tech sales teams out there—we can learn a lot from how they outbound.

Their AEs self-source 100% of their pipeline. Zero SDR support. And they close big enterprise deals.

Here's how they approach outbound for their AEs:

✅ Start with Leadership enablement

They enable leaders FIRST before training the reps. Every single leader understands the process, can execute it themselves, and knows how to coach their reps.

💡 Insight: Don't fall prey to a "blind leading the blind" situation. Enable leadership before enabling reps.

✅ Prescriptive guidance on targeting

Brooksource is a very data-driven company. Their ops team tracks everything.

They can tell you, by rep, everything from outbound meetings late-stage sales meetings set...and their conversion rates. Most SaaS orgs couldn't give an accurate snapshot of their AEs self-sourcing efforts.

Then they take it a layer deeper.

Their leaders know exactly what types of accounts are best. Who to get conversations started with. And most importantly, what's a bad fit that should be ignored.

💡 Insight: Give reps very specific guidance on territory planning and where it's best to spend their time

✅ Provide killer cold call talk tracks

They believe that prospects don't care about their solutions until they know you understand their problems.

For every persona, they supply high-level talking points:

- Trends
- Common problems
- Typical business priorities

When their reps pick up the phone, they can be laser-focused on messaging. And the entire sales org. can rally around a common, standardized approach to the phones.

This alone increased their live conversation to booked meeting conversion from 22-35%. 35% is top 1%-er stuff. You rarely see an entire sales team convert at that level.

💡 Insight: Gather common priorities for every persona in every industry vertical. Wordsmith with your best reps/leaders. Then roll out to the entire team.


Mitch Thomas heads up enablement at Brooksource. They're one of the best examples of an organization that doesn't just talk about AE self-sourcing—they live it. And I've seen it first-hand.

Catch our conversation here: