Have a funny feeling your cold emails aren't making it past the spam filter?

Have a funny feeling your cold emails aren't making it past the spam filter?

This is a HUGE problem across sales teams right now.

Take these 5 steps to improve cold email deliverability


✅ 1) Start with Mail-tester.com & MXToolBox

Send a real cold email to Mail Tester. You'll get a score and a full report on exactly what to fix if something's wrong. MXToolBox provides a similar report and a blacklist check.

Start here and forward the report to your IT team.

✅ 2) Use unsubscribe links

Many reps don't like to send cold emails through sales engagement tools because of this. Most of them force an unsubscribe link. Sure, the prospect can easily opt out of the email.

But the alternative is worse: they send your email to spam. You don't want this.

Pro tip: Don't use "unsubscribe" in the hyperlink. Use this: "Don't want to receive emails from me?"

"Unsubscribe" indicates to email service providers that it's a marketing email. This gets you send to promotions and updates folders.

✅ 3) Reduce bounce rates

You'll start running into deliverability issues if your bounce rate is >3%. If you're pulling emails using a tool like ZoomInfo, don't send emails to any unverified email addresses. NeverBounce is another great tool to scrub your emails against.

✅ 4) Limit hyperlinks, images, etc.

I get asked about this a lot. Deliverability generally works like this: if the first email gets through, it's likely that the following emails in your sequence will get through.

Avoid using links (including your email signature) and media in your first email. No images, videos, or attachments.

✅ 5) Don't be so aggressive

Limit the number of cold emails a prospect receives from you to two per week. No more than six total.

Stop pitching. Don't make such hard asks for a meeting in the first email.

Pro tip: Share really good content in the first email or two.


There's a ton more going on with cold email in 2024 right now.

Here are two bonus resources below:

1) Ultimate Guide To Email Deliverability: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MFsnpxDrOhxfMNpRO0HnN42Wq3deGYYHa-DTkGeDQaU/edit?usp=sharing

2) Join me this Wed 5/15 for a webinar on how to set a ton of meetings from cold email (without wasting hours on personalization). I'll be joined by Florin Tatulea, Jack Wauson from MixMax, and Magical.

Register here: https://hubs.ly/Q02vCXCH0