3 sales calls canceled same day on me last Thursday

3 sales calls canceled same day on me last Thursday.

My thinking?

You can whine about it. Or you can do something about it.

What's important is how you maximize the time you get back.

Here's what I did:

✅ Re-engaged with three old clients

I found three clients I haven't spoken with in months. Sent them texts to connect and landed a meeting to talk about another training engagement.

✅ Reached out to prospects engaging with me

I ran a quick Sales Nav filter of every prospect engaging with me, visiting my profile, etc.

Found three great prospects and sent them emails & LI messages.

You can do something similar in your sales engagement tool. Who's opened your emails in the last hour?

✅ De-risked a deal

I opened up HubSpot and looked at a few late-stage deals that didn't feel solid.

Called my champions. Had one quick convo about a risk I wasn't aware of in the deal. Set some time to talk more about it.


You need a list of activities to maximize 30 min. blocks that show up unexpectedly in your calendar.

It's the "get sh*t done" mindset and no matter what, today will be productive.

How do you maximize the time you get back when calls cancel?