Call me crazy—but a good sales cycle has both phone calls and virtual calls

Call me crazy—but a good sales cycle has both phone calls and virtual calls.

From a relationship building standpoint, I can accomplish in 10-15 min. over the phone what could take multiple virtual calls.

I was texting back and forth last week with a current client. We're putting together a second phase of training for their enterprise AEs.

And price came up.

"How much will it cost to..."

"What will happen if..."

"That won't make sense to..."

So what did I do? I picked up the phone.

We talked for about 10 minutes:

- 2 min. on pricing

- 8+ min. shooting the sh*t

I build way more rapport over the phone. It's more real when you talk to someone walking around their house, grocery shopping, driving, etc.

Here are a few ways to take action on this:

✅ Texting back and forth with a prospect or client? Pick up the phone.

✅ Prospect responds to a cold email? Pick up the phone.

✅ Have a quick question to prep for an upcoming group call? Pick up the phone and call your champion.

✅ Not sure how that sales call just went? Pick up the phone and call your champion.

When in doubt, #pickupthephone.

If they don't answer, shoot them a text asking for a few min. to catch up.

Sometimes it pays to do things the old-fashioned way.

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