Feeling burned out? In a slump?

Feeling burned out? In a slump?

I caught up with a rep and friend last week. He's in a slump.

Things aren't going his way. He's feeling uninspired, etc.

I've never met a top rep, senior exec, or a successful business owner this doesn't happen to.

These are two simple tips that I gave this rep. And that I follow myself.


✅ Create consistency and discipline OUTSIDE of work

Please, do not wrap up your entire identity and self-worth in your work. You are more than what you do.

I've been there—it's not worth it. I sacrificed my mental & physical health for...what? People I don't respect nor have a relationship with anymore.

The sales roller coaster is unavoidable. If your self-esteem is tied to work, you're gonna feel like sh*t.

Find areas outside of work to create consistency, discipline—and ultimately: pride.

For me, it's exercise. I take a lot of pride in staying consistent with 3-4x per week at Orange Theory. And playing basketball a few times per week.

Find your thing to be consistent with outside of sales.

✅ Make friends with peers

I didn't understand the importance of this until I met Jeff Bajorek back in 2018.

When we met, I asked: "Do you have this problem where you don't know anyone who does what we do?"

His response: "No, actually I don't. Let me introduce you to some folks."

Since then, I've made my best friends through work. I lean on my friends for accountability, inspiration, and feeling seen/heard.

You need to know more of your peers. Especially the ones outside of your sales org.

Make a point of meeting someone new every week.


How do you prevent or deal with burnout and slumps?Â