Using cold emails to invite prospects to webinars?

Using cold emails to invite prospects to webinars?

Don't make these mistakes


A rep sent me this webinar invite the other day.

⛔️ Here's where they missed the mark:

→ Subject line is too "markety" sounding, doesn't feel 1-to-1
→ Email is too long to skim (148 words total)
→ Way too much information
→ Formatted like a marketing email
→ No clear call out for why I'd be interested
→ Too many options (3 hyperlinks)

✅ What they could have done instead:

I like this simple framework for webinar invites:

- [Short, boring subject line]
- [Personalized call out]
- [Social proof + takeaways from webinar]

💡 The rewrite:

▶︎ Email #1 (variation A) ◀︎

Subject line: Quick invite to Outbound 2.0

Hi Jason,

Your work with Rippling and Gong might make this interesting to check out.

Scott Martinis (8 years of experience growing SDR teams) is hosting a webinar with us on Outbound 2.0.

He's showcasing how sales teams like x, y, z are using AI to land higher-quality meetings (without wasting hours researching and writing email copy).

Mind if I shoot over an invite for the event on 3/8?


P.S. Don't have time to attend? Let me know, I'm happy to send a short recap

▶︎ Email #1 (variation B) ◀︎

Hi Jason—Scott Martinis is showcasing how sales teams like x, y, z are using AI to land higher-quality meetings (without wasting hours researching and writing email copy).

Mind if I send the invite your way for 3/8?


P.S. Might be some cool strategies you could show your clients like Rippling & Gong

▶︎ Email #2 (bump) ◀︎

Here's the link to check it out. 👈 (hyperlinked)


▶︎ Email #3 (bump) ◀︎

If it's quicker—I could sign you up and send over a 3-5 bullet recap.

Sound good?



Use this framework for webinar invites, and you'll see a massive increase in replies and sign-ups.

What feedback do you have for this cold email?